CBSEzilla is working for free education for all. We are try to provide educational aids free of cost not only website supports but NCERT Books, study material, sample papers and so many other things also.

Our only aim is just to help the students without any trouble or cost.

CBSEzilla is a student centric educational web portal which provides quality test papers and study materials for the students preparing for CBSE or targetting various entrance exams.


We are working for free education that’s why our most of the contents are in the form of 

PDF files. Students can download contents and use it off line without internet connection. 

We are trying to provide maximum help in the field of NCERT solutions, CBSE Material, 

Test Papers, Assignments,Study material for Vedic Maths and so many other things.

We are working to help not to irritate the students, parents and teacher, so if you find any 

difficulty in getting contents, please specify us, we will try to resolve it.